Governor Lee’s Vision: Paving the Way for Orano USA’s Arrival in Roane County


In the ever-evolving landscape of economic development and energy innovation, certain moments stand out as turning points, reshaping the future of entire communities. One such moment has arrived for Roane County with the anticipated arrival of Orano USA. This transformative development owes much to the strategic vision and unwavering commitment of Tennessee Governor Bill Lee.

Governor Lee’s leadership has been instrumental in guiding Tennessee towards a future bolstered by nuclear energy, and his efforts have set a powerful precedent for Roane County’s newest venture. His dedication to advancing nuclear energy and understanding the unique potential of Oak Ridge created a foundation upon which this project could thrive.

A Visionary Leader with a Nuclear Focus

From the outset of his administration, Governor Lee recognized the pivotal role that nuclear energy plays in East Tennessee’s energy landscape and economic growth. His foresight in prioritizing this sector has been a game-changer. By establishing the Tennessee Nuclear Energy Advisory Council, Governor Lee provided a platform for expert guidance and strategic planning. This council has been crucial in addressing the complexities of nuclear energy, ensuring that the state remains at the forefront of innovation and safety.

In tandem with the Advisory Council, Governor Lee also championed the creation of the Nuclear Energy Fund. This fund has been a significant driver in attracting and supporting nuclear energy projects across the state. By investing in the future of nuclear energy, the fund has facilitated the development of cutting-edge technologies and infrastructure, making Tennessee an attractive location for leading companies in the industry.

Oak Ridge: A Unique Opportunity

Governor Lee’s understanding of Oak Ridge’s unique position as a hub for nuclear research and development cannot be overstated. The city’s storied history and its current status as a center of nuclear innovation provided a compelling case for Orano USA’s decision to establish a presence in Roane County. The Governor’s efforts to highlight and harness these strengths have been instrumental in bringing this significant project to fruition.

When asked about Governor Lee’s impact on recruiting Orano, Roane County Executive Wade Creswell stated, “From the moment that Project Ike approached the state until the decision by Orano USA to locate here, Governor Lee, his senior staff along with TNECD Commissioner Stuart McWhorter and the incredible team at TNECD, worked tirelessly to make the Roane County site the most desirable destination. Their focus and ability to pull all parties together made the difference and landed the largest single project in state history.”

Orano USA’s arrival in Roane County marks a new chapter for the region, bringing with it opportunities for economic growth, job creation, and technological advancement. This milestone is a testament to Governor Lee’s vision and leadership, which have paved the way for this landmark development.

A Thank You to Governor Lee

On behalf of Roane County, we extend our deepest gratitude to Governor Bill Lee. Your commitment to nuclear energy and your strategic initiatives, including the Tennessee Nuclear Energy Advisory Council and the Nuclear Energy Fund, have created an environment ripe for growth and innovation. Your leadership has not only set the stage for Orano USA’s arrival but has also positioned Roane County as a key player in Tennessee’s energy future.

As we look forward to the new opportunities and advancements that Orano USA will bring, we remain inspired by Governor Lee’s example of forward-thinking leadership and dedication to progress. Here’s to the bright future ahead and to the continued collaboration that will drive Roane County towards new heights.

Stay tuned for more updates on the exciting developments in Roane County and the impact of Orano USA’s arrival!