Roane County Government
The operations of the Clerk and Master’s Office consist of maintaining Rule and Execution dockets for suits filed in Chancery and Probate Court, attending all court sessions, and keeping minutes of the Courts. Other responsibilities of the office include investing idle funds, conducting auctions of real and personal property when Ordered by the Court, collecting filing fees and costs associated with the cases filed, reporting collections and making distributions to proper entities monthly, prepare annual budget, comply with all audit standards, record and revenue management, courtroom administration and public relations. The office also takes public inquiries in person or by phone about Chancery and Probate cases and delinquent taxes. The office now accepts credit card payments. In order to offer this service, a 2.5% fee will be added.
The Clerk and Master is responsible for collecting delinquent taxes for Roane County and the cities of Harriman, Kingston, Oliver Springs and Rockwood, as well as conducting an annual tax sale for Roane County and City taxes.
Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 10:30 am
Roane County Courthouse
The auction will be held on the front steps (facing Race Street)
FOR MORE INFO CALL 865-376-2487
The next Back Tax Sale will be held on Saturday, April 5, 2025, at 10 am in the Roane County Courthouse in the Circuit Courtroom on the 2nd floor. A combined parcel list for Roane County, City of Rockwood, City of Kingston and City of Harriman is provided below.
To pay the delinquent taxes prior to the sale, delinquent taxes must be paid by cash, money order or cashier’s check, payable to the Clerk & Master’s Office. There is now an option to pay by credit card. Delinquent taxes need to be paid on or before the sale date at 9:45 am to be removed from the sale. The Notices published in the Roane County News by Roane County and City of Harriman are also provided.
You must be registered to participate, and all payments must be made before leaving the courthouse. Registration will begin at 8:30 am and end at 9:50 am the day of the sale. Proper identification (i.e., valid driver’s license) and completion of the Registration Form and W-9 are required before the sale. Registration forms will NOT be accepted after 9:50 am.
The parcels in this sale have judgments entered to collect 2019 OR PRIOR YEARS DELINQUENT TAXES in the Roane County, City of Rockwood, City of Kingston and City of Harriman tax suits. Additionally, by order of the Chancery Court the 2020, 2021, and 2022 taxes, penalties, and fees on these parcels are included in the minimum bid amount. Additional parcels in the City of Harriman are expected next week.
Each week an updated parcel list will be available online by Friday afternoon, up to the day before the sale. The list can also be picked up at the Clerk & Master’s office during regular business hours for a cost $5 or by email request at Upon request, the full registration packet, is also included in this cost. You may also call the office if you would like to inquire if a particular parcel is still available.
Registration Packets are also now available online that includes the Registration Form, W-9 and Tax Sale Rules. They are also available by email request or picked up at the Clerk & Master’s office. To expedite your registration process, please complete the forms and bring to the registration with proper identification. You will be given a bid number upon completion of your registration the day of the sale.
On Sale Day, the updated parcel list will be available at registration. The Tax Sale Rules will be announced by the clerk in the courtroom promptly at 10 am, with the sale to follow.
The Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court makes no warranties relative to the title or existence or any other matters involving any of the property in this or any tax sale.
For information on a parcel visit